Our school is fundamental school,which has served to education since 1946,in Merzifon /AMASYA.There are 94 employees,83 of them are teachers in our school.There are 17 ateliers,26 classes,4 technical drawing classes,4 ICT labarotiries,2 science labarotiries and 1 library.
In our school there are;
-Electric-electronic Technology
-Information Technology
-Machine Technology
-Metal Technology
-Wood and Plumbing Technology
-Engine Technology
-Air conditioning Technology
There are totaly 891 students which are in 7 departments,22 of them are in high school have open.107 students who are in the 12th degree classes are going on skill training in 54 factories and organizations under control of 37 technical teachers and master trainers.
Our graduated students can get through to associate degrees without exam and they can settle down to 4 years of universities with exam.But most of our graduated students have been employed in Merzifon Organized Industry Zone where there are 30 factories 3000 employees are working.In these organizations suction fun,door,button,mould the products of ancastre are produced and imported and exported.Because of the industrialization in our zone is improving rapidly,the interest to our school from neighbour cities and towns,is increasing day by day.
Our students and people of our town are given courses which include;Computer Operating,Basic Welder,CNC operator,usage of auto.cad and solid,Basic engine,installation of electricity,Automatic control and panel design,electronic circuit simulation,Microcontroller programming,Programming of PLC,attention and repair of burning equipments.
The Project of UMEM (Specialized profession assosiaciton centers) are applied according to the contract between Ministry of Education and Minister of Labor and Social Security, The Unity of profession associaiton and TOBB Economy and Technology University in Turkey. The aim of UMEM Courses are to educate people (component) with a high quality after formal education because qualified, fully developed,experienced people are needed in producing process. The Project of UMEM is a campaign of getting an ability and learning a job. In Turkey, this Project are being applied in 130 schools among 81 cities. The centers of this Project are in city centres but only our school is in town in Anatolian part of Turkey.
Our school have prepared national, international, local and regional projects also have helped and encouraged the other institutions while producing their projects. We, as a school, are specilazed in preparing and applying a Project and also our school is carrying out the coordination of town proje commission that are under control of local authorities.